Litt av et liv!

Here are some handmade, collage cards I made in spring 2012.
Dedicated to my ex-colleagues in the TV-programme "Litt av et liv" or What a Life!, NRK's Entertainment department.
Card for Lene
OUTSIDE: I used the logo of the tv-program, downloaded from NRK's website. I also used photos of the celebrity guests we had - Bjarne Brøndbo, Ingrid Bjørnov and Kåre Conradi.


Card for Cathrine   
The above card was for Cathrine, whom I work with the most. I suspect she likes our guest's body a lot, so I added a half-naked photo of him, namely Erik Thorstvedt or Erik the Viking. We referred to his first missed goal in England as the "Salathender" incident, which refers to his rather flimsy lettuce-like hands in the photo above. He was termed "Erik the Horrible" in the Sun tabloid (UK) after the soccer game.

 The card above has a large paper flower bought in Singapore by my best friend as a gift to me. It adds a punch to the spring flower background behind. The paper in the background is bought in nille, one of the cheapest shops in Norway for crafts and hobbies, although they sell mostly household items. There was a purple version of this flower paper too. I also used paper lace cutouts and some 3D butterfly and sakura (cherry blossom) stickers.

I love the bright colours of spring!


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