15 Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in Norway (updated)

always a white christmas in Norway

Updated on 22 July 2012.

On 9 June 2010, I met two New Zealand girls for a coffee. One of them was carrying her cute blond baby son and the other was a TV professional just like me :)

Meeting them made me realise that so many of us "Norwegian foreign imports" are feeling quite lost and lonely here; most ladies I've met here came to Norway because their kjƦreste (boyfriend/ loved one) was Norwegian and for some reason or another, thought settling in Norway would be best. 

Norway is a wonderful place of course, but starting a network in work or play is tough, as Norwegians don't really open up at first meeting. In fact, sometimes they seem rather cold until the second meeting; by then they think it's alright to let down their guard and let loose their wicked sense of humour. 

Thought this might be useful for any person moving to Norway to know:

15 Advantages of living in Norway

1. Long / many holidays
The Norwegians love to work hard and play hard. There is an unofficial month-long summer holiday for everybody that begins from 1 July. Prior to 2012, there are compulsory Christian holidays for everyone; now certain Christian holidays are optional for Christians to take, making Norway a more multicultural nation. This is a change that came about due to the terrorist acts of Anders Bering Breivik, who killed 77 youths attending a summer camp by the Worker's Party (the ruling party in the parliament) on 22 July 2011, because he was advocating a purist idealist governance without Muslims or islamism.

Lots of Christian holidays, and Christmas is a fantastic season to celebrate with friends and family

2. Shorter working weeks compared to other countries by law - 37.5 hours compared to 40 hours in most advanced countries. The typical work day by law is 7.5 hours (5 workdays x 7.5hours = 37.5 hours) with half an hour for lunch, therefore an employee spends an average of 8 hours in total at the workplace (excluding overtime). In the film and tv industry, rules are slightly different - 40 hours a week, 8 hours of work per day (excluding half-hour lunch). 

In comparison to Singapore, a typical worker spends less time at home and more time at the workplace. A typical work week for a Singaporean is 40 hours a week, 8 hours a day but lunch hour is literally an hour because usually people do errands or like to take their time at lunch.

Shorter work week (37.5 hours a week for a 100% fulltime position) = more time for play!

3. Breathtakingly beautiful scenery and country side

4. Equality and democracy for both sexes and for all people, at least politically speaking.

5. Fantastic paternal benefits - fathers get paid leave from work, affectionately known as pappaperm in Norwegian - see http://www.norway.org/aboutnorway/society/welfare/benefits

6. Purest water and air from the Norwegian glaciers. Do you know VOSS water? The Norwegians call it "expensive tap water" just to give you an idea of their quality water.

7. Strong sense of culture, history and traditions. Creative people can really flourish here with art.

8. Many opportunities to show off your winter fashion collection

9. Ski and sporty culture. Winter sport lovers get to ski for almost 6 months of a year.

10. Property - charming houses and buildings. Stavekirke (churches) are beautiful and a rare vision of Viking architecture. You can see many in the Norsk Folkemuseum. Many Norwegian houses are built with wood, which gives them a natural feel. Norwegians are generally house-proud, so they window-clean twice a year and upkeep the painting jobs regularly with striking colours like red, black, dark brown, yellow and white.

11. Strong social benefits for the unemployed from NAV (The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service). There are terms and conditions to receiving unemployment benefits though; be sure to check at nav.no.

12. High salary and high standard of living

13. Few poisonous insects or creatures -  in the winter, all the insects and animals seek shelter away from the cold or die; in the summer, more insects come alive, but even a mosquito-prone meatball like me has it easier with mosquitoes. Ever since I came in 2 years, I've only remembered one mosquito bite incident with a total of 4 bites and the swellings are considerably smaller than the ferocious red swats I used to get in Singapore from tropical commando mozzies. Poisonous spiders? Haven't known one yet. The only poisonous creatures I am aware of are adder snakes (which can appear near populated grassy areas) and brennmanet (Lion's mane jellyfish) that has stung my mother-in-law and husband last summer.

14. Vacation money. You get paid to go on a vacation every year :P Norwegians on average get 21 workdays off work

15. Safe culture. Strong belief in peace, quiet and nature. Nice neighbours - one incident that struck me most about the Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg's speech at the 22 July commemoration concert, was his advice to Norwegians to bake a cake for your neighbours who has suffered.

15 Disadvantages of living in Norway

1. Lots of snow :(  You'd learn to appreciate the sun *a whole lot more*
If you don't like snow, icy roads and cold weather, you are screwed definitely for 5 months or more every year...

2. Driving a car in Oslo is for crazy foreigners looking for suicide. This is only relevant to foreigners from warmer climates and not used to driving under icy conditions with hails and snow. Spring and winter is often the seasons to drive carefully as snow melts on roads and if the temperature remains around 0 degrees, the snow becomes ice which can have a melted surface of water that makes the ice extremely slippery. On top of that, Oslo has a hilly terrain, as Norway is a mountainous countries, so I have had an experience driving up an extremely steep narrow curved road (usually in housing areas are roads narrowed to one lane for both directions) during winter with ice under the wheels. Suddenly it feels like a rollercoaster backwards with no brakes, as brakes make the car wheels spin and the ice more slippery as the wheels wear the ice down. There are techniques they teach in Norway during a "icy road course" to combat such conditions and panic situations, as it is potentially dangerous if you start rolling backwards into another oncoming car.

Oslo is challenging to drive in because the tunnels and highways are currently under renovation and signs are confusing. The tram lines and unclear markings on the roads make it difficult for an unfamiliar foreigner to drive as trams are *not* expected to give way to cars and they can come at full speed. In winter, the road markings and dividers are covered with snow, so turning a corner is challenging as one have to estimate roughly where the road is. If you are used to driving on the left side of the road (as I am, and drivers in UK, Australia, Singapore and other Commonwealth countries), driving under such conditions is extremely dangerous.

Roundabouts are rather confusing too, if you are not used to the rules of giving way to the cars and which lane to drive in.

3. Bureaucracy and government services are strict, hard-nosed and a pain in the ass. Applications for a residence permit can take 3 - 6 months, during which travel out of the country and any work including volunteer work are not permitted. Communication and waiting times at the police are notoriously horrible. Stories (including some of my own) of letters informing about approved permits being "lost" in the mail; waiting half a day at the police just to be told you cannot get the service you thought you are queuing for, are common, resulting in a lot of waste of time, effort and money. There is a lack of compassion and empathy at the police stations I've been to; although a graduate with a professional media background, I'm made to feel like a stranded refugee with no education.

One personal experience is that even though the Norwegian policies advocate Norwegian courses and enthusiasm for integration of immigrants into the society and workforce, in practice there are often "unspoken" rules that go against the policies. As a person with media experience, I needed an advanced level of Norwegian to communicate myself better, thus I applied for financial assistance to free Norwegian courses and free Bergenstest (Norwegian Test 4, university level Norwegian). However I live in the Akershus province, and apparently in all parts of Akershus, they only offer free Norwegian courses until you passed the Norwegian Test 3 (NorskprĆøve 3). Only in Oslo can one apply to have free Norwegian courses up to Bergenstest, if you can provide evidence to the need at the workplace.

As a person married to a Norwegian, one has the right and duty to complete 300 hours of Norwegian courses. From 1st of January 2012 the hours are amended to 600 hours of tuition, including 50 hours with social studies. The participants can apply for further training up to 3,000 hours if they need more time to reach a final level.

I completed 72 hours out of my 300 hours before I passed NorskprĆøve 3. However, despite an application and a complaint, including references to the statutes, the consensus after 4 months of waiting, is that my kommune (municipality) is not obligated to pay for the rest of my Norwegian studies (despite my need for employment) but can pay for up to Level B2 and not further. As a consolation prize, they decided to pay for my textbook, workbook and course for level B2 for 96 hours more. After that the cost of the preparatory course and Bergenstest itself is to be covered by me. I expect to pay around kr. 6000-8000 more, without a job and income. The lack of compassion for my status as a jobseeker for 1 and half years, despite internships and numerous applications, is discouraging to say the least.

4. High cost of living - a 10-min bus trip costs generally USD5.00, a Starbucks coffee costs USD7.50, a dinner at a middle-range restaurant costs USD35.00 - 40.00 per person

5. Linguistic barrier to entry. Norwegian (Norsk) is not the easiest language to learn and pronounce. Difficulty finding work without knowing Norsk, unless you are an engineer. Making local friends is difficult as well sometimes because of the language barrier, even among the young adults. Sometimes they are uncertain of making mistakes with their English, and they might have some pre-conceptions that a foreigner with a different background might be hard to understand or get along with.

6. Insomnia in summer and D-vitamin deficiency in winter. The midnight sun in the summer in northern Norway and almost 21 hours of sunlight in the south, make it difficult for some foreigners and tourists to adjust to sleeping with light. In the winter solstice of the longest darkness, the sun comes up (or doesn't for northern Norway) for only 3 hours and it is usually low in the sky which casts a rather nostalgic blue and pastel violet colour over the whole sky. However the long winter nights and being wrapped up in thick winter clothes, means that vitamin D in the body gets pretty low.

That is why I call Norwegians "sun-worshippers". In the summer, with the first glimpse of sunlight, locals grab the opportunity to suntan in their gardens, on the beaches, on their balconies, always moving their beach towels and mats to face the sun, following the sun like the sunflower does. This has the practical function of storing up vital vitamin D in the body to last the winter. Asians, Indians and Muslim ladies tend to miss out on the sunlight storage because the tradition is to stay away from the sun to keep the skin fair. But I actually could feel my body craving for sunlight after two cycles of winter, and learnt from the locals - be smart and catch the sun when you can!

7. Street Fashion - hard to wear flimsy heels and look sexy during winter months. Expensive winter clothes and boots are a necessary evil in winter. In the coldest winter of -20 degrees Celsius, one puts on shapeless thick bubble jackets or coats to keep body warmth in. In the shops, a lot of fashion looks (to me) unexciting and of "safe" colours. I do wish there is more variety of choices. Foreigners from warm tropical countries like me, have to spend a small fortune to buy their first basic set of winterwear.

8. Exercising (or trening, in Norwegian) Cycling and jogging are not the easiest exercises as there are a lot of hills and mountains in Norway

9. Groceries and opening hours. Most supermarkets are closed on Sundays and Saturday evenings. Even IKEA which opens for long hours, doesn't open on Sundays. The only shops I know that are open on Sundays, are usually Asian shops and supermarkets, some restaurants and select cafes (which usually open from 12:00 - 17:00).

10. Household expenses. In winter, you spend a lot of money getting more heat and light in the house; in summer, you spend a lot of time blocking out light in early mornings so that you can sleep.

11. Petrol is really expensive, even though Norway is a oil-producing country. Petrol prices for today are between 13,45 - 14,73 Norwegian kroners (USD 2.21 - 2.42/ SGD 2.78 - 3.05) See http://www.dinside.no/php/oko/bensin/vis_prisliste.php. A good online currency converter can be found here.

12. Racism? I am not sure it exists in its extreme form but there have been reports in the papers that Norwegian-born citizens of immigrant parents still feel they are treated like foreigners in their own country, even if they speak perfect Norwegian and act like Norwegians. Racism seems to be covert, not overt in Norway. There are some misconceptions that all Asians are the same - that is Japanese is the same as Korean, is the same with Chinese or Vietnamese for example.

My own experiences are regarding job searches and my immigrant status. I only felt some racist vibes from UDI - the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration - when I applied for my skilled worker's visa. Even though I am a media professional with higher education and 8 years' experience, I can't help feeling like my application is treated with a certain carelessness and disdain as towards a refugee's plee for amnesty, or a foreigner applying for a visa with no education or work experience. Sometimes on my first day at work, a minute minority of colleagues might react with coldness towards me, but friendly towards others who are Norwegian (that usually is temporary if you are friendly and take the initiative to talk to them).

The weirdest racist experience I had was when I was applying for a Norwegian course at a school with bad management. My husband had called, speaking in perfect Norwegian and asked if there is a place for me in the school. The vice-principal had said yes, there was a spot open next week for me. I called the following week, speaking in perfect English, referring to my husband's call earlier and asking if I could start this week. He took down my name and telephone number and told me to call back next week. I called back for a consecutive 4 weeks (that is a whole month!), with the same answer "Call back next week". I got frustrated because I was promised a spot in class 5 weeks ago, and now I am in an endless cycle of "Call back next week". I told my husband to call instead, and again in his perfect Norwegian, he requested for a spot for his wife - and I started class two days later.
Coincidence? I don't think so.

13. It's hard to stay tanned in Norway, unless you like artificial sun-beds and suntan creams

14. Lack of consideration for non-Norwegians online. Google translate (translate.google.com) becomes your best friend out of the sudden. Much vital information from official sources usually come in Norwegian but it is getting better as some official websites now update with English translation.

15. Lack of social and night life. The long cold winter makes one less willing to venture out to meet friends or family. I notice that most young Norwegians' idea of partying is getting drunk and wasted, or going to cafes. The higher cost of living is a natural hindrance to go out and eat or drink a lot.



  1. My kjƦreste has over the years been telling me about the pros of Norway and honestly now that he has started working as a teacher, I can tell the difference in working hours and how he talks about his workplace environment is quite a contrast to office-life in SG it seems. =)

    I still have concerns about language, getting a job especially if not a Skilled Worker, covert racism etc and despite his reassurances feel simply that I should just expect the worst so I'll be pleasantly surprised...

    That said I sort of understand why people may be hostile...there are many people who come to Norway just hoping for welfare and a few bad apples tarnish the reputation for every one else.

    I suspect the long winters make for warm family gatherings with lots of food and now that Christmas is coming, Julebrus. =D

    1. I'm afraid after 3 years here, your kjƦreste is quite right. The Norwegian foreign department is riddled with bureaucracy and most Norwegians are not aware that they can be racist. They are just rather skeptical towards foreigner's education and work experience in countries they are not familiar with.

      The long winters are nice with nice warm family gatherings of course and I hope your kjƦreste has a nice family he is willing to share with you. Lykke til videre!

      God Jul!

  2. Hi :) really nice article ;). It has helped me alot with my project about Norway so really thumbs up girl ! I am from Slovakia and I really think about visiting Norway because I luv snow and beautiful peaceful environment. Maybe sometimes in future I will travel there :). But like you said it would be better to start save some money from now to that day of travel :) Again really thank you ! :D
    PS: What do you think about that water VOSS ? Because itĀ“s really expensive. Does it have such a nice taste or something special? Or it is just good advertising.

    Alex ( Slovakia )

  3. Hi Alex from Slovakia,
    I am glad you found this article useful. The water VOSS comes from a very beautiful part of central Norway, where water is pure glacial water. But then, all tap water in Norway *is* glacial water, so a lot of Norwegians joke that VOSS is just expensive "tap water", which does taste quite good (I've traveled to many countries and tried much water). Norwegians are just really lucky without knowing it. Go figure :)

  4. I am a Asian (Indian, Physiotherapist). Can you suggest me if that fine for me to think of settling in Norway for better life. As the article speaks of trouble in finding jobs, racism, cost of living is high etc. I welcome suggestions to my mail id:


    1. I shall reply you on your email. Thanks for visiting!

    2. Hi Raja,

      Sorry for the late reply. Hope you are fine.

      Before you consider coming to Norway, please make sure that you have at least one contact or sponsor in Norway who can help you find jobs and support you financially when you are here. It is not easy to start working in Norway unless you have some technical skills or education.

      From what I know, to start off as a physiotherapist is rather hard as it is not a job in demand. Norway is lacking engineers, jobs to do with oil industry like Document Controllers, marketing and accounting etc. The jobs are commonly found on Manpower.no, Finn.no and Nav.no. Use Google translate for Finn.no as it is in Norwegian. I would suggest that you try to look for your type of jobs for a month or so to see if there is a demand for physioterapists. If there isn't, I would not encourage you to come here without much savings. If you still want to try, you may consider getting a university course here and reside with a student visa. One is allowed to work 20 hours per week on a student visa.

      If you do decide to come, do read up all details and requirements on udi.no to see what your options are first. The possible options are to work as an au pair, study, or get a jobseeker's visa before you get a real job. Realistically it takes about a year - 3 years to learn Norwegian, and many applications (100 or more) before you get your first real job.

      The Norwegian UDI or immigration department is very strict about the rules. You would have to be prepared to take on odd jobs first, struggle with learning a new language, adapting to a new culture and cold climate and coughing up enough money for rent, which can come with 3 months' deposit. Apartments in the city of Oslo are expensive - ranging from kr. 4500 (for just a room with shared kitchen, toilet and living room) to kr. 11000 per month for a private 30-square-metre apartment. A rental deposit ranges from one - three months, so be prepared to pay kr. 4500 - kr. 33000 *in addition* to your monthly rent.

      Hope this helps.

    3. Hi,sister. I'm Syazwan from Malaysia. I'm considering to leave my country and work in Norway. I'm almost being crazy working here. I am willing to do any jobs like farming, fruit picking etc. I can't speak Norwegian. Anyway this is my email syazwanhoca@hotmail.com. Thanks

    4. Fruit picking in norway???

    5. Fruit picking in Norway is usually just a summer vacation job for students looking to earn extra kroners for their school term. Some people I know, do it for fun. I think a lot of foreigners do not realise that unless you are a highly qualified expat or a trained engineer, working in Norway is not easy. Because language (Norwegian), first and foremost, comes first. Language takes months to learn and Norwegian is not easy - so even if you want to just farm and pick fruits, you still need to learn Norwegian.

    6. Dear Syazwan, my two cents' worth is to take the chance, while in your hometown Malaysia, to get good qualifications, whether in engineering or business. Make yourself so valuable that Norway will want you even if you just speak English. So far, engineering and shipping are the two industries that are open to English-speaking expats. Good luck!

  5. Thank you for the information.
    Ä° hate racisim and cosidering immigrants second class people.

    1. Don't hate. Accept that they, just like ourselves, are human beings with flaws. Hate is no different from racism.

  6. Great article ! I really have plans for me and my gf to move to Norway as soon as we finish with our universities. I also have some friends already living 1-2 years there and i heard very good things about the country. Can't wait for this.We wanna make a new start in this country:)

    1. Good luck and be nice, humble, as well as smart with your network. It helps to have friends already in Norway! Be open to making new Norwegian friends and meeting other foreigners, and you will find yourself a wonderful social support system in Norway, like I have thankfully found.

  7. useful information, Thank you...

  8. Hello everybody.

    I worked in Norway and Sweden on international construction sites as construction manager and had no bad experience according to racism, furthermore I found them both realy nice to work and live in. So, my intend is to come back in northern Scandinavia for permanent work. If you know for some job or people who is in need for Civil Engineer for construction manager role or even for construction carpenter job, please do not hesitate to contact me on: avant.intihar@gmail.com

    1. Keep karma and carry om... Good luck!

    2. hello
      i am indian planning engineer having 8 years experience in construction field like to work in norway please do need full my Email Id: sugumaran_ece@yahoo.co.in

    3. hello everyone,
      I am planning engineer having 7 years experience in construction field like to work in norway please do need full

  9. 100 applications before getting a job is really good or you must be extremely lucky
    it took me approximatly 1500 apps before finding a job that i am not suited for and hate but am afraid to change because it will be too long to get an other .
    norwegians allways smile at you but i get shevers on my back to their smile

    1. Not every Norwegian is bad - most are genuine but reserved. Stay positive and continue to look for a better job through signing up for Finn.no's job notifications. Manpower helps a lot too! Get a good contact person to help you.

  10. Thank you for all this information! I have seriously been considering going to Norway for awhile now. I live near Seattle so it would be quite the change.

    I would like to visit before living there, would this be a good idea?

    My family came to the United States from Norway in the late 1800's and I want to go there and learn as much as I can (my family has a book dating back to 1450 with details of my family's time in Norway). I don't even know where to start! Except by saving money now.

    I am a huge outdoor enthusiast (including climbing, hiking, and skiing), do you happen to know how hard it would be to find a job in an outdoor recreation field? I realize that is very vague... I have some experience and by the time I go to Norway I will have a degree specializing in outdoor recreation and have more experience by that time.

    Either way I want to experience Norway so much! I want to learn the history, language, culture... Everything!

    So I guess my main question is... Being about two years before I can actually go there, what would be some of your recommendations in preparing properly for a 3-6 month visit to see if it would be a place I want to live for awhile?
    Much appreciated if you have the time!
    If it is convenient then please email me at: koefodca@gmail.com
    Or reply to this post... Thank you!


    1. Dear Cassie, I have been on vacation and didn't see your message until this year! I don't know much about the outdoor industry here, but my feeling is that if you come for a 3-6 month visit, prepare beforehand a thorough research on the climbing, hiking, skiing holiday resorts and/or activities you can do in Norway and see which are the main cities with such activities. I would guess "vestlandet", or the west coast because of the fjords. Try researching on http://www.visitnorway.com/us/ and actually visiting a few of them. Get comfortable and friendly with the staff there and introduce yourself as an experienced outdoor enthusiast with an outdoor recreation degree. Show your enthusiasm through action during the sport too (attitude towards challenges, action, reaction etc), not just words. Have your CV ready (print a few, and offer to print more if you run out). Having two years to prepare is a huge thing! Lucky you! Best of all, tell them about your Norwegian heritage and your motivation of coming back to your roots. There is an extremely popular TV series in Norway called "Alt for Norge" which can be watched on tvnorge.no for a subscription fee. Many Norwegians love helping Norwegian-descendants, and they would probably feel like family already if you are nice and humble about it (but enthusiastic). I'm sure they will help you if you have an attitude as healthy as your body :) Best of luck!

  11. Hi,
    I am planning to shift to Oslo for 2 years with my wife and two sons (7 and 1.6 years of age).
    I have few queries and really appreciate if anyone help me with details
    1. What is the good average salary with or without tax in Norway
    2. How much a 2 bed room house will cost me with basic furniture.
    3. Cost of Education for my kids as they have to go to English school as they do not know local language.
    4. how much taxes and other bills I have to pay.
    5. weather condition - sunlight and school session cycle please
    6. Any Indian stores available in Oslo so that i can buy Indian grocery as I am vegetarian

    I need your help to decide as it is a question of life and career for me and my kids.


  12. Hello Pixy boots, Greeting of the day!! Further to your article and replies, I want to have your advise. I'm planning to pursue masters in hospitality from Norwegian university. I've four years of experience in hotel - sales and marketing department in India. Questions: Would it be easy to find a 20-hours/week job during studies in hotels or restaurant? And, what are the chances to find the jobs in the hotels /hospitality industry after completion of the marters degree? I would be highly obliged to reveive your reply on my mail id- pratiksid0712@gmail.com

  13. Wow! Thanks for all the information, ma'am.
    Am presently pursuing my bachelors degree in Chemical Engineering in India, and am considering to do my masters abroad. Norway seems to be a rather plausible option.

    Could you please help me by suggesting the prospects of Chemical Engg. in Norway?
    How'd I support myself, and how much would the dorms cost me? Are the research facilities any good? And how are the prospects for new writers?

    Heard that most of the Norwegian Univs offer free education to anyone willing to study there.

  14. Thanks for the information. I am a skilled worker like you and its my ambition to work in norway. I even filled some paper work to learn norwegian online courses. I am basically a nurse and this year, i ll be starting masters in nursing in spain on a scholarship which means i ll be having study and residence permit for 18 months. i intend to start a norwegian course and then apply for a job as skilled worker. Can you realistically indicate how much money do i require and is it easy for nurses to find work? I under we need to get a practice license before starting to work.

  15. i am considering moving to Norway,i am from India have engineering degree in computers and degree in business management mba.i have 4 years of experience in marketing feild and 1 year international experience.what are the chances of getting job in marketing feild.please reply to my email id dijooatif@gmail.com

  16. I have been planning to study in university of bergen in norway . i just needed to know the cost of living in the city and amount that could be earned with the part time job available there. please contact me at nishant260296@gmail.com. Thanks

  17. Nice article agree with a lot of what you wrote, particularly the bureaucracy and racism! are you still in Norway?

  18. Hi, I'm Paul from India , I have completed MBA (marketing) and worked in a company for 5 months of time, Unfortunately company got shut down, I'm looking for a career in sales and marketing? Is it possible for me atleast by chance to get a Job in Norway, as a fact I love Norway. Thanks. solomonpaulrd7@gmail.com is my mail ID. Looking forward to here from you. Thank you very much.

  19. nice article ! Great bro thanks

  20. Hi, I am a sixteen year old girl living in Singapore that is interested in learning Norwegian and curious about the life in Norway so do you think it would be a good idea for me to immigrate to Norway after I finish my Polytechnic diploma in Singapore?
    Oh and one more thing, I have an aunt living in Norway so do you think that there would be a higher chance for me to get approved for my immigration as compared to other applicants?

  21. Nice blog, thanks for sharing the information. I will come to look for update. Keep up the good work.
    student houses in jesmond

  22. what are the chances of getting job in norway as an Software Engineer (MCA degree holder with 8 year of work experience and working with a norwagian company in india). i am from india a 33 old, post graduate (master in computer application)

  23. Thanks for this post! I love your blog, keep up the great work here!

  24. I am a Asian (Indian, student). Can you suggest me if that fine for me to think of settling in Norway for better life. As the article speaks of trouble in finding jobs, racism, cost of living is high etc. I welcome suggestions to my mail id:

  25. Hi,

    I am having experience in Procurement for 3 years in oil and gas company.

    I am trying to search for job in Norway but facing difficulties as majority advertisements are in Norwegian.
    Do you know any consultancy in India who hires for Norway companies.


  26. Hi,

    My bf and I are planning to work/study in Norway, and your blog really came in handy. Would really appreciate your advise on some questions that I have at nnuraini77@gmail.com.

    To start prepping, I'm thinking we should start on savings and learn Norwegian. Is there anything else we should be doing?

    Will it be easy to land a job in administration as I have a few years of experience and a degree?

    Is the public transport system comparable to Singapore's? I'm thinking if it will be necessary to drive.

    If I were to be study in Norway, will it be sufficient to survive with a part-time work pay?

    Thank you!

  27. hii.. actually i was thinking to get settle in norway after my degree... And i m doing architecture so can anyone suggest me about it.. on my mail... akshayjawalekar@gmail.com


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