Illustration Friday - Stripes

Stripey T-shirts are not my thing,
but this is something some boys cling.

A girl named Sam (and other boys)
Recently I've been asked to illustrate a children's book for an American friend, whom was recommended by our mutual friend. I've not met her before, but our email list on Gmail stretches beyond my computer screen i.e. it's long. I liked the story so this is my first sketch. Nothing big, just a self-published book eventually. She wrote it for her grandma - awww - isn't that sweet?

More to come, I hope.
I'm thinking of changing her clothes.
The puppeteer changing her puppets to her will...

Stay warm for those preparing for winter :)



  1. She looks like a cute tomboy. If you intend to colour this, how would you go about it? Scanning in the sketch and working on it digitally or do you prefer colour pencils/crayons/watercolouring?

  2. beautiful, I love this style of illustration

  3. Hi Justina, I like both ways of illustration. Sometimes I feel like the sketch needs a more "refined" look and I colour it in digitally. Otherwise, my first preference is to use watercolour pencils or watercolours. Watercolour pencils are simpler to use, but has less "flexibility" when it comes to blending. It has more texture though. Watercolours are trickier, but nicer to blend.


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